Refund Rules for Student Health Advantage℠
生效日期前: 全额退款
生效日期后: 只要保险生效后没有要求理赔,保险按整月比例退款并收取$50取消费用。
必须完成取消申请表: 英文, 中文
How to Cancel:You have the option to cancel via MyAccount or you can also cancel via email.
Procedures to Cancel via Email
Please submit written correspondence in English, requests made in other languages may be returned or delayed.
Send an email to: lecnac
In the email message, please mention:
- the certificate number (also called ID number)
- name(s) of the insured person(s)
- brief reason for cancellation
- effective date of the cancellation
The earliest that you can set the effective date of cancellation is the next day, the same is true for requesting monthly payments to be stopped. It can't be the current date or any previous date.
You will receive an email confirmation once we receive your request. Please allow around 7 to 10 business days to process the request. Once the request is processed, you will receive another email confirmation. Your refund, if any, will be made in exactly the same form that you used to originally pay for the insurance.
NOTE: All insurance companies prefer to receive such cancellation emails directly from the insured. However, if you are communicating on behalf of the insured, you must add the authorization similar to as follows:
"The insured doesn't have access to a computer or email to make a written request to cancel the insurance. I am the authorized person of the insured and I have the necessary authorization to cancel their insurance. I am making a written cancellation request on their behalf."
The insured doesn't have access to a computer or email to make a written request to cancel the insurance. I am the authorized person of the insured and I have the necessary authorization to cancel their insurance. I am making a written cancellation request on their behalf.Procedures to Cancel via MyAccount
1.) Log In to MyAccount.
2.) Select the policy you would like to cancel and click on 'Cancel Policy'.
3.) Complete the required fields and submit the request.
All cancellation fees, if any, are charged by the insurance company. There are no additional fees (or any other fees) charged by Insubuy®.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this page is a summary of the conditions or provisions of the plan. If there is any discrepancy between this information and the information of your policy/certificate wording, the language of the policy/certificate wording will prevail.